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At a time when Black Americans had little more than hope and faith, Mrs. Celia Pleas was inspired to organize the first black church of African Methodism in the “model city” of Corey (later to be known as Fairfield, Alabama). Mrs. Pleas sought and was granted permission to set up the new church by Bishop J.H. Jones of the Ninth Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The first meeting of the church was held in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Will Pleas at 215-60th Street in Corey. The church was formally organized as “Jones Chapel” African Methodist Episcopal Church, in honor of the then presiding prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District. It was placed in the West Alabama Conference of the district.
In addition to Celia Pleas and her husband Will, other church pioneers included Victoria Crenshaw, Annie Jones, George Campbell, Sallie Campbell, James Payne, Hennie Payne, Mrs. Burk, Jennis and Mary Coleman, Henry Walker, Jessie Walker, Minda Ingersoll, Mr. Ginnis, C.C. Starky and John Jones. It was this group of members under the leadership of Celia Pleas, who purchased the property for the first building in which to house the new Jones Chapel Church.
At the hand of Bishop Harry L. Seawright, the Presiding Prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District, Jones Chapel received a historic appointment. It would be 103 years later, after the planting of the church by Mrs. Celia Pleas in 1914. Rev. Gloria A. Hall arrived on January 1, 2017 as the first female pastor appointed to led the charge. Armed with gospel dynamics, hearts were touched, minds were changed and new souls were saved. Through her tenacity, in one year, church membership increased by 15 percent and finances increased by 10 percent. She led the congregation into a debt free acquisition and demolition project of two properties for the expansion of church parking; refurbished the church marquee and the church van. Under her leadership, Monday Night bible study was started seeking to rediscover the heart of the gospel and understand how the gospel informs and shapes every aspect of our lives; A Youth Council was formed to better serve and train the young people; she brought back children’s church to engage and teach the youth; a Media Ministry was established and the church went live on social media.
225 57th Street, Fairfield, AL 35064, US